Elder’s HandBook Of Seventh-day Adventist Church PDF Download

The work of elders is unique among church leaders. As overseers, they are responsible for everything that is related to the work of the church. As such, the training and directing of elders fall under the Ministerial Association. Because elders work closely with people in all aspects of the church, this handbook includes material from representatives of each department.

The work of elders in the Seventh-day Adventist church is extensive and varied. Some churches are large, requiring leadership over thousands of members. Other churches are small, serving a few members, who are sometimes scattered over a large area. In
such churches, pastoral services are usually limited, and the elder provides not only leadership, but, in consultation with the pastor, also arranges for regular preaching responsibilities. This handbook has been prepared to assist elders in understanding their calling, and to train them in their leadership role in the church.

“Occasionally no one possesses the experience and qualifications to serve as an elder. Under such circumstances the church should elect a person to be known as ‘leader.’ In the absence of the pastor or a conference-assigned pastor, the leader is responsible for the services of the church, including business meetings. The leader must either conduct these or arrange for someone else to do so” (Seventhday Adventist Church Manual, p. 77). This handbook is for their use as well.

Because the Adventist church is a worldwide organization of ethnic and cultural diversity, congregational practices vary. This handbook does not prescribe methods or procedures for all elders everywhere to follow. Rather, emphasis is given to the function of the elder according to biblical principles of organization and leadership, which may be adapted anywhere in the world.

This handbook is part of a set that includes the Minister’s Handbook and the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual. These should be considered companion volumes, and church elders should have access to all three. The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual,
voted by the world church in General Conference Session, takes precedence over this or any other handbook prepared for use in the local congregation.

When referencing the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual in this handbook, the page numbers refer to the 2015 edition. While page numbers vary from one edition to another, topics are found in the index.

The terms “minister” and “pastor” are frequently used interchangeably. For clarity, the term “pastor” is used in this handbook except when quoting material from other sources.

Because the work of the church elder and pastor are inextricably entwined both in Scripture and in practice, this handbook closely parallels the Minister’s Handbook. The Minister’s Handbook would be helpful to the elder who seeks greater understanding of the topics
addressed in this handbook.

It is intended that pastors and ministerial secretaries will use this handbook when training elders. Such training stems from a long line of ministry, beginning with the Apostle Paul’s instructions to the elders in Ephesus to “take heed to yourselves and to all the flock,
among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28).

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